The price is $100 for lifetime access to the list. You can purchase the list of non-technical cofounders here:
How many people are on the list? And will more people be added to the list?
There are currently 40+ vetted people on the list. I will continue to add high-quality marketing/sales potential cofounders to the list. You only pay once, but get lifetime access to the list.
What do I do once I buy the list?
You go through the list and find a few people who you think would be a good fit, then email them. Anyone you email should be very receptive, because they proactively opted-in to being on this list.
Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?
Sure, just let me know and I will happily issue a full refund.
Why can't it be free?
If access to the list were free, these people would be drowning in low-quality offers. Making it paid acts as a filter to keep quality high, and makes it way more likely that these marketers reply to your emails when you reach out.
Why are you doing this?
I've experienced firsthand how the right cofounder partnership can change your life, and I've seen it with a handful of others.
Yes, making some money from this is cool. But more than that, it would be super fulfilling to know that 2 people I helped connect went on to build something amazing and make millions of dollars together.
If you have any other questions, let me know at [email protected]