Assist us in enhancing our communication by responding to these brief questions.
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'Oops! something went wrong.',
First, we'd like to gauge your perception of the company.
Your responses are anonymous, so please be candid in your answers.
On a scale from 1-5, indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I have a solid grasp of the company’s primary objectives.
1 → I strongly disagree
5 → I strongly agree
I strongly disagreeI strongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I comprehend how my role aligns with the company's objectives.
1 → I strongly disagree
5 → I strongly agree
I strongly disagreeI strongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I am aware of the company's future development plans.
1 → I strongly disagree
5 → I strongly agree
I strongly disagreeI strongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
We appreciate your feedback! Now, let’s explore potential areas for improvement in our communication.
Select the topic(s) you believe we could communicate more clearly.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
That sounds great! Now, we want to find out where you primarily get your information about the company.
Select your top 3 sources for information about the company (our strategies, financial status, etc.).
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Your insights are valuable, thank you! Just a few more queries remain. Now, we want to focus specifically on your interactions with company management.
Please provide honest answers.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Consider your immediate managers.
How would you assess their communication abilities?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
On a scale from 1-5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement:
I have confidence in the information provided by management.
1 → I strongly disagree
5 → I strongly agree
I strongly disagreeI strongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
On a scale from 1-5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement:
My managers make me feel appreciated for my contributions.
1 → I strongly disagree
5 → I strongly agree
I strongly disagreeI strongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
That's good to hear! Now let's switch gears. We want to understand how comfortable you feel when you need to relay information.
Share your thoughts with us.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Imagine encountering an issue at work. It may relate to your working conditions, your salary, or a challenging relationship!
Select the most likely way(s) you would respond to this issue.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
To what extent do you feel that management listens to your concerns?
1 → Not at all
5 → A lot!
Not at allA lot!
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
To what extent do you feel that management supports your professional growth?
1 → Not at all
5 → A lot!
Not at allA lot!
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Excellent! Now, for the final question.
Do you have any recommendations on how the company can enhance communication with employees?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Thank you for your time! Your responses will aid us in improving clear and straightforward communication at work.