Thanks for taking a minute to fill out our 2025 site survey!
Use this space to ask for new features, new sections, tell me what's not working for you, what needs updating, etc.
I'm not sure exactly what this would look like, but likely something a bit more stripped down, like identification info, price guides, etc. It has to be easily visible on a phone.
If your answer is YES, please type in details of what you'd like to see. And if you have app building experience you'd be willing to contribute please let me know below!
1 → Poor
10 → Excellent
1 → Poor
10 → Excellent
1 → Horrible
10 → Perfect
These should go out automatically, every time you order. Can you let me know if that function has been working for you?...You can also check the OTHER box as well and write in whatever you want.
If you have had any problems placing a slipcase order thru the current system, please also select OTHER and type in the problem.
If you have an order you'd like your choices to be released please type that in the "Other" section.
Just your #1 choice here please.
Would you like more or less of these sales?
Currently I list everything out on a single page with photos and a price, then it's first come / first served. Whoever's email hits my inbox first gets the book. (Think Betts Books sales page)
I could try to this to a more traditional shopping cart, where each book has dedicated buying button and you just submit your order via online shopping cart. (Think Suntup Press sales page)
A traditional cart would necessitate a switch from PayPal's system to Shopify, and some testing to make sure it handles multiple people trying for a single copy correctly.
How would you rate the remarques section today?
1 → Horrible
10 → Perfect
Please type out your answer below.
Currently I'm sorting by author's last name, then the title of the book. Or for those artists that I only have a few remarques they are bundled in the "random remarques" page.
Now approaching 1,000+ remarques across multiple illustrators I want to make sure the remarques are easy for folks to find.
Select as many options as you want.
Just type it below.
That's all. We'll use your feedback to make the site better!
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