This shall enable you to understand how aligned your business is and next steps once you discover that :)
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The Root Chakra represents the foundation and stability of your business.
The Sacral Chakra represents creativity, passion, & uniqueness in your business.
The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your personal power, authority and confidence in your business.
The Heart Chakra represents compassion, connection, and will to serve in your business.
The Throat Chakra represents communication, messaging, & outreach in your business.
The Third Eye Chakra represents intuition and insight in your business.
The Crown Chakra represents connection to something greater than yourself in your business.
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We shall email results and solutions to you soon! Stay Aligned till then🙂🌈🙌🏻
Your score indicates that your business is oscillating - some times in sync, sometimes totally out of alignment!All is not lost, start from the Root, and move upwards aligning each part of your business with care, clarity and super intention!😍
Your score indicates that your business is out of alignment. All is not lost, start from the Root, and move upwards aligning each part of your business with care, clarity and love!🥰
Your score indicates that your business is fully in sync! Keep working on different aspects of yourself and your business and keep it this way!Well done ya! 🙂🚀