This form will assist you in evaluating your work performance. Be sure to discuss your responses with your manager during your upcoming performance review.
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What is your first name?
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'Oops! something went wrong.',
What is your last name, ___?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Which department do you work in?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What is your job title?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Who is your direct supervisor?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
When did you last have a performance review?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
___, you will now see a series of statements regarding your job performance and work habits.
Please evaluate each statement carefully and indicate your level of agreement or disagreement.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Self-Assessment of Job Performance
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I produce high-quality work diligently, adhering to established ___ processes and protocols.
1 → Strongly disagree
5 → Strongly agree
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I consistently complete tasks within the agreed timelines and specifications, never missing a deadline or delaying a project.
1 → Strongly disagree
5 → Strongly agree
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
My work is significant and aligns with the high-level goals and objectives of ___.
1 → Strongly disagree
5 → Strongly agree
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I communicate effectively and clearly.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I am dedicated and enthusiastic.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I actively assist others.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I embrace creativity and innovation.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I complete tasks quickly.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I am practical, persistent, and courageous.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Accomplishments Overview
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
I achieved all the goals described in my last performance review.
1 → Strongly disagree
5 → Strongly agree
Strongly disagreeStrongly agree
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
___, what notable achievements have you had since your previous performance review?
Also reflect on what you wished to accomplish but were unable to do.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Goal Setting and Development Planning
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What objectives would you like to set for the upcoming evaluation period?
Be sure to outline the steps you will take to achieve them.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What professional development opportunities would you find beneficial for enhancing your job performance and achieving your goals?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
How can your manager better assist you and enhance your job satisfaction?
Consider additional resources or tools you would like access to as an example.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Lastly, what is your email address?
This will be used to send you your responses for review at a later time.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Thank you! 👏
That concludes the process. You may now close this window.