We appreciate your time in filling out this survey! Your responses will shape the content, resources, and partnerships we bring to the Freelancing Females community in the coming year. The survey will take about 5-10 minutes, please enter your email at the end for the chance to win an $100 gift card of your choice!
Age Range
in USD
(Check all that apply)
(Check all that apply)
(Check all that apply)
(Select all that apply)
(Provide ranges for clarity, e.g., “Less than $500,” “$500–$1,000,” “$1,000–$5,000,” “More than $5,000”)
(This can be business-related or personal—your feedback helps us identify new tools, products, or partnerships to better support our community!)
(Select all that apply)
If NO - Please move directly to next question
Examples: “Freelancer Wellness,” “Scaling Your Business,” “Finding Work/Life Balance
e.g., tips/advice, success stories, actionable updates, community conversations
e.g., newsletter frequency, long-form vs. short updates
(For both Instagram and the newsletter)
(What do you like about their content?)
Sharing your thoughts helps us improve.