Enter your customer details, and we'll hit you up with a free month.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
First up, what's your name?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Nice to meet you, ___. I'm Cristina G.
What email address is registered to your account? We'll send your confirmation there.
If you're not a user yet, head to our website and create a free account before submitting this.
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Just a couple more steps to go, so we can learn more during this whole thing.
Which one best describes your occupation?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
And finally, what's the main reason you'd like the free month?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
All done! Check your email (including spam folder) and follow the instructions.
PssstTypeform enthusiast.
This Custom Thank You Screen is on the upgraded plans. If you want to keep it, hit "Upgrade" in the top right corner.
If you're all good with a standard message, just delete this screen.