Pleasure to meet you ___, how long have you been making beats
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'Oops! something went wrong.',
How old are you
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Where are you located
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
About You
Who are you as a beatmaker, what are your goals, visions, dreams, what does it all mean to you, etc
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Your music / content
(Drop some links - Insta, youtube, spotify, whatever)
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Describe your current situation and the struggles you are facing
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What would you like help with the MOST from Amed
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Dope ___, what's your phone number
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Amed One has a very unique skill set, and the demand for his expertise is high. With many applications and only one Amed One, we’re very selective, looking for a great fit and the potential for exceptional results. With that in mind, what makes you a great fit?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
If accepted, when are you ready to get to work?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Are you willing to invest in yourself to get serious results in your beatmaking journey?
Think about what your dreams as a beatmaker are really worth to you
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What budget do you have available when you feel confident you'll get results working with Amed?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
What kind of help do you need?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Imagine the possibilities of where you could be in 30 days with Amed's help. If you could measure that, what would it look like?
(Make 10 beats I'm proud of, Hit 1,000 streams, etc)
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Any final thoughts?
press Enter ↵
'Oops! something went wrong.',
Thank you for filling out the form
If you seem like a good fit we'll be reaching out to you soon