If you want to work together, this is the right place. Next up is a few questions & a calendar you can use to schedule your call.
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Three sentences or less. For instance, "I help dentists get more patients using FB ads for between $2,000 to $5,000 per month".
We help in a variety of ways: custom, one-time projects or a discounted ongoing monthly automation service.
Be as detailed as possible. We'll use this to scope your needs ahead of time, so that our call is time-effective for everyone.
No website? Add your LinkedIn profile.
Scheduled 👍
Tip: You can integrate Calendly, Cal, or SavvyCal to manage your bookings easily.
Tip: We have set it up to request only business emails. Therefore, free email services like Gmail or Yahoo won't be accepted. You can choose to change this option when creating the form.
That's everything! We will be in touch with you shortly!